Monday, 13 August 2018

Signing this Saturday at the Thunder Bay Chapters!

This Saturday, August 18! From noon until 4!

I'll be at Chapters in Thunder Bay to sign copies of SILENCES: A NOVEL OF THE 1918 FINNISH CIVIL WAR and otherwise represent my publisher, Shuniah House Books.

Many other writers from the region will also be there--why not come see what's happening in the Northwestern Ontario literary world? (Psst: it's air-conditioned in there!)

The most up-to-date list of other participating authors: Sandi Boucher, Sam Convey, H. Leighton Dickson, Roma Fisher, Makenzi Fisk, Deanna Ford, Eva Kakepetum, Rob Kozak, Michelle Krys, Kyle Lees, Terrence McParland, Merk, John Pringle, Shannon Robertson, Evan Sills, and the Friends of the (Thunder Bay) Library.

Hope to see you there!