Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Author Talk "At" Nipigon Public Library

Thank you to the Nipigon Public Library for inviting me to present an Author Talk, via Zoom.

It's happening on Thursday, November 25. For connection information, contact the Nipigon Public Library directly (info on this page) or check out their Facebook page

I look forward to sharing some behind-the-scenes information about my books, how I write them, how I research them, and how I decide what fascinating information I (sob) have to leave out. 

Each talk is an interesting opportunity to note changes to the publishing landscape, too. Years ago, less information about the Finnish Civil War was available. Now a lot more resources are online. It's a great development. 

I'll also be mentioning THE ITERATIONS OF CAROLINE, which is now available in Thunder Bay at Entershine Bookshop and Fireweed, and of course can be ordered from here and here. 

I hope you can join me at this event!