Thursday, 1 June 2023

News and Updates

Hi, folks! Welcome to 2023, perhaps not yet post-pandemic, but certainly post-vaccine. 

I have news! Since I last posted, two great things have happened. 

Recently, the Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop presented me with the Kouhi Award. I was surprised and of course gratified. In my decades in the classroom, I had the honour of teaching at Churchill High School for a year or so while Elizabeth "Betty" Kouhi was there, and her dedication to students greatly impressed me. After she retired, she wrote some outstanding poetry rooted in both Finland and Northwestern Ontario. It's an honour to have my writing associated with her.  

Here are some more photos. It was a really nice event--and although we're still cautious from the pandemic, it was also good to be in the company of writers.

The plaque has a place of honour on the wall of my den, just above my computer screen.

My second piece of good news is that THE ITERATIONS OF CAROLINE was released (very quietly) during the pandemic. If all the talk about the movie Everything Everywhere All At Once has made you hungry for more multiverse stories, give this story of David and Caroline a shot. 

I've been curious about the nature of reality for some time, and I wanted to write a book that conveyed how I think a couple of reasonably intelligent people would respond to sudden shifts in place. It's available locally at Entershine Bookshop (and Chapters should have some shelved), and online. 

And of course, it's available as an e-book, should that be your preference. When you've read it, leave a review somewhere! (My publisher asked me to say that. But I'm curious, so let me know what you think of it.)